March the 20th, 2024 |

The Tre Foglie Gambero Rosso award is the highest award for an extra virgin olive oil that represents Italian excellence.

Plenum again this year, for the sixth consecutive year, receives the 3 Foglie award on Gambero Rosso “Oli d’Italia” Guide.

This is a confirmation that gives value to a mission that is fundamental at Poggiopiano: cultivating the olive tree with respect and transforming its fruits to obtain a product that is unique in the world for its goodness and nutritional importance. This mission acquires even more value in a vintage like this last one, when the production of an extra virgin olive oil of excellence puts even the best olive grower to the test.

As a blend of Frantoio, Moraiolo and Leccino, Plenum brings the flavour of Tuscany in every drop thanks to its spicy and bitter taste and aromatic notes of artichoke and field herbs.

The ripening conditions of the olives in the 2023 vintage demanded extreme dedication at the mill, where Mauro Galardi monitors his olives every day and ensures that they can be enhanced to the point of producing an extra virgin olive oil worthy of being counted among Italian excellences!

Mauro Galardi

See you at Vinitaly 2024 in Verona for the presentation of the fourteenth edition of Gambero Rosso’s Guida Oli d’Italia!

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