September the 5th, 2024 | Could you imagine that you can taste Italy in one dish?

CRU, a must-try Restaurant in Florence, delighted the winelovers of “Calici di Stelle” with a recipe that blends Lucanian and Tuscan culinary traditions: the “Panzanella alla Lucana.” This dish evokes the childhood memories of the time the Chef used to spend with his grandmother cooking in Calabria. It is an authentic homage to the gastronomic culture of southern Italy and the freshness of Tuscan cuisine.

A journey through Italy, passing from Calabria and Tuscany

“Panzanella alla Lucana” is the encounter between grilled vegetables, typical of Lucanian cuisine, and the freshness of Tuscan panzanella. The main character of this dish is the simplicity of the ingredients and the attention to quality, with a strong focus on organic and local products. All this, carefully selected to ensure authentic and genuine flavors, in is perfect harmony with the Poggiopiano mood!

C.R.U. style

C.R.U., acronym of Cucina Rustica Urbana, is not a restaurant like any other. CRU is a place where nothing is trivial and every ingredient can be a new discovery, where every dish tells a story made of memories, love and passion. The choice to use only organic and local products is not dictated by a fashion, but by a deep respect for the earth and for the well-being of the Guests.

Each recipe has a “better-half” wine that will make the dish even tastier: at CRU you can pair every dish our wines, for a memorable gastronomic experience!

Our pairing for a real journey thorugh Italy in one dish

Panzanella is a fresh and tasty summer dish where Lucanian cuisine adds a burst of flavor!
Flavours and cultures are in perfect harmony in our Erta al Mandorlo, IGT Tuscan white wine, produced mainly from Verdicchio, a typical variety of the Marche Rregion, flanked by Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia, both Tuscan varieties.
Erta al Mandorlo stands out for its pleasant freshness, accompanied by a balanced structure and light minerality, making it the ideal companion for light and aromatic dishes such as Panzanella alla Lucana.

Learn more about Erta al Mandorlo

Download the recipe HERE



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